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Karate means
"Open or Empty Hand"
Let's Study!
Goju-Ryu means "Hard and Soft"
Tsue Sho Bo
" Way of the Bo"
Belts below black belt - Kyu Ranks - Mudansha
The Aggressor - Tori
The Defender - Uke
Kiotsuke is used to call people to attention
Geki Sai Dai Ni -
School Form #2 - Serch and Destroy #2
Geki Sai Dai Ichi -
School Form #1 -
Search and Destroy
Bunkai - Interpretation of kata
Saifa -
Zig Zag Form
Black belt
- Dan Ranks - Yudansha
Here's Some Info
Kiai -
Spirit Shout
Haisoku - Instep of Foot
Gi - Karate Uniform
Obi - Belt
Kakato -
Heel of Foot
Sokuto - Edge of the Foot
sole of the foot
edge "blade" of the foot
Koshi - Ball of the Foot
Teisoku - Sole of the Foot
Start - Hajime
Stop - Matte
Forearm - Ude
Elbow - Empi
Kumite -
Free-Style Sparring
Kata -
Prearranged Form
Sensei - Teacher
Dojo - Martial Arts School
Rei - to bow
Belt Ranking System
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