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Chojun Miyagi

Added on to Naha-Te
creating Goju-Ryu

Ei'ichi Miyazato

Founded the Jundokan Dojo (1957)

Larry Pickel

Founder of Komaki Academy of Karate

Kanryo Higaonna

Taught Naha-Te -
the combination of Chinese Kempo and The Ancient Art of Te

Glenn Keeney

Sole Owner of Komakai Academy
Won many awards
Founded PKC (1986)
Founded PKC Point Circuit (1989)


Larry Davenport

Studied under Mr. Pickel and Mr. Keeney. Promoted Mr. White to 6th degree Black Belt (2019)

Curt Jones

Mr. White's Sensei
Owned his own dojo -
Komakai Academy of Marion
Good at Self Defense 

Andrew White

Owner of Shirokai Martial Arts

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