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Basic Terminology

Karate - Open or Empty Hand

Goju-Ryu - Hard and Soft

Kempo - Fist Way

Dojo - Martial Arts School

Gi - Uniform

Obi - Belt

Sensei - Teacher

Kiai - Spirit Shout (in Loud Voice)

Kata - Prearranged form

Kumite - Free-style Sparring

Bunkai - Interpretation of Kata

Hajime - Start

Matte - Stop

Yoi - Ready

Kiotsuke (Key-Oats-Kay) - Attention

Rei - Bow

Uke - Defender

Tori - Aggressor

Kyu - Rank under Black belt - Mudansha

Dan - Rank of Black Belts - Yudansha

Geki Sai Dai Ich - School Form #1

- Search and Destroy

Geki Sai Dai Ni - School Form #2

- Search and Destroy #2

Tsue Sho Bo - "Way of the Bo"

High Punch - Jodan Tsuki


Middle Punch - Chudan Tsuki


Low Punch - Gedan Tsuki 


Straight Punch - Seikin Tsuki 


High Block - Jodan Uke 


Middle Block - Chudan Uke 


Low Block - Gedan Uke 


Ready Stance - Fudo Dachi 


Walking Stance - Sanchin Dachi 


Forward Stance - Zenkutsu Dachi 


Sumo Stance - Shiko Dachi 


Formal Stance - Musubi Dachi 


Front Snap Kick - Mai Geri 


Roundhouse Kick - Mawashi Geri 


Side Kick - Yoko Geri 


One Tip Terminology

Two Tips Terminology

Reverse Punch - Gyaku Tsuki


Lunge Punch - Oi Tsuki


Back Fist - Uraken


Palm Heel Strike - Teisho


Back of Hand Strike - Haishu 


Back Kick - Ushiro Geri


Orange Belt Terminology

U Punch - Yama Tsuki


Vertical Punch - Tate Tsuki


Close Punch - Ura Tsuki 


Downward Forward Block - Gedan Bari 


Knife Hand - Shuto 


Ridge Hand - Haito 


Elbow Strike - Empi Uchi 


Yellow Belt Terminology

Pressing Block - Obae Uke 


Round House Block - Mawashi Uke 


Knife Hand Block - Shuto Uke 


Ox Jaw Hand - Seriyuto 


Cat Stance - Neko Ashi Dachi 


Stomping Kick - Fumi Komi 


Inside Snapping Kick - Nami Ashi 


Snap Kick - Keage


Thrust Kick - Kekomi


Blue Belt Terminology

Double Punch - Moroto Tsuki 


Hook Punch - Kagi Tsuki


Grasping Block - Tsukami Uke 


Sweeping Block - Nagashi Uke 


Closed Fist Cover Move - Te Uke 


Open Hand Cover Move - Te Kanta Uke


Hammerfist - Tetsui


Half Modified Stance - Han Zenkutsu Dachi 


Crane Stance - Tsuru Ashi Dachi 


Hook Stance - Kake Dachi 


Low Side Kick - Kansetsu Geri 


Knee Strike - Hittsui Geri 


Green Belt Terminology

Double Forearm Block - Moroto Uke 


X Block - Juji Uke 


Wedge Block - Kakiwake Uke 


Scooping Block - Sukui Uke 


Forearm Strike - Ude Uchi 


Purple Belt Terminology

Spearhand - Nukite 


Crescent Moon Stance - Hangetsu Dachi


Brown Belt Terminology

One Knuckle Punch - Ippon Ken 


Middle Knuckle Punch - Nakadate Ippon Ken 


Four Knuckle Punch - Hiraken 


Rising Punch - Age Tsuki 


Punching Block - Tsuki Uke 


One Finger Strike - Ippon Nukite 


Two Finger Strike - Nihon Nukite 


Bent Wrist - Kakuto 


Back Stance - Kokutso Dachi 


Black Belt Terminology

Roundhouse Punch - Mawashi Tsuki 


Eagle Hand - Washide (Wa-She-Dee)

Spinning Back Fist - Ushiro Uraken 


Chicken Head - Keito (Key-Toe)

Horse Stance - Kiba Dachi 


Crescent Kick - Mikazuki Geri 


Flying Front Kick - Mai Tobi Geri 


Flying Side Kick - Mai Yoko Geri 


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